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Tag: package

iraf, make: *** No rule to make target ‘sptable’. Stop

I am working with Iraf and I need to install the external package “sptable”. The only way I found in order to install Iraf nowadays is described in this site: In order to install sptable I found two site which describe the same procedure: and In both cases, when I try the command “make” (make self_update or

Install TCP Wrappers in Slackware 14.2

How to install TCP Wrappers using the appropriate package manager? When I run pkgtool, I can see in the list that tcp_wrappers is included tcp_wrappers-7.6-x86_64-1. I want to install it. I tried the command below, with no luck. Whenever I run the command above, it says So I navigated to /var/log/packages, where the list of Slackware packages are listed and

COTson linux installation

I’m new in linux, and i know that this should be a stupid question, but i didn’t find anything over the internet, so i decide to ask it here: During the configuration of the COTson program using this line of code it gives me an error: CODE: ./configure –simnow_dir ../simnow-linux64-4.6.2pub ERROR : Here is the guide that i follow to

Create debian package from source file with multiple binaries

I have a C/C++ am autoconf source package for Linux that consist of several binaries, logical in development as many of them share the same source. Some binaries run in a graphical environment, some are server components, some drivers for the server, libs and others are shell commands. I would like to make a proper debian package for this system

How to run an installed python package from terminal

I have a python code like so The has a function like so: After installing this package how do I execute the script on my terminal. I realize this question has been asked before but I wasn’t satisfied with that answer as it did not offer me any insight. Answer You want This relies on PYTHONPATH being set

Why there are many i686 RPMs in CentOS x86_64 repository?

I’m looking at where there are many i686 RPMs included. Not every x86_64 RPM has its i686 RPM counterpart though. I thought i686 packages are for 32 bit machine only, but why are they present under x86_64 directory? Are they really needed for 64 bit distribution? Answer I thought i686 packages are for 32 bit machine only, but why

Schedule a function that belongs to an R package

I’m trying to build an R package whose goal is to run a series of analyses by taking input data and writing output data to an external database (PostgreSQL). Specifically, I need a set of operations to be scheduled to run on a daily basis. Therefore, I have written some bash scripts with R code (using the header #!/usr/bin/env Rscript)

How do I find which user installed a package in linux?

Is there a way to find out which user installed a package in linux? Answer Usually packets are installed by the superuser (root) account. In case users use sudo to install them, you can check ~/.bash_history for each user tu inspect who issued the $ sudo apt-get install PACKAGE (in case you’re using apt-get).

How to install a package in user defined directory using apt-get?

I’m using ubuntu, whenever I install any package it gets installed in standard directories /usr/lib /usr/local/lib etc. I want to install a package in a non standard directory. Is there any way to do this? Answer It is generally discouraged as you’ll run into many complications like dependencies and where they’re all located and linked at, but if you still
