I have written an RPM spec that has a requirement for the kernel-devel package. However, that is satisfied by the installation of any kernel-devel package. How do I specify that the RPM requires the kernel-devel package of the currently running kernel version. For example, our customer could be running 3.10.0-514, however the latest is 3.10.0-693. If you execute “yum install
Tag: packaging
[ Python 2.7 ]Package program with Pynsist
I am packaging a Python 2.7 program with the lastest version of Pynsist. I’ve created an installer.cfg file following this example. But when I try to package my application running into the application folder it comes up with So the problem I think is with Pygame. On Google there in nothing about this, but i cannot use others programs for
Provide vim syntax highlighting system wide by debian package
I wrote a custom software using its own configuration files under /etc. The software is built in a Debian package and delivered by a custom repository. In order to provide a nice syntax highlighting in vim I wrote all the necessary files to nicely highlight my own config files. If I place them under ~/.vim/syntax and add a line to
Create multiple Debian packages for data files from one source
I have a bunch of dictionary files for the dictd dictionary program. There are 2 files for each dictionary (a dict.dz and a .index file) and there are 8 dictionaries in total. The installation of the dictionaries is really simple, this is what I currently have in my script: Now I want to package this lot of files up into
How do I create a native Debian package for static files?
I have a need to Debianize some static resources for a software project but am confused by the available information and could use some guidance in doing so. Here are the materials I’ve been reading: Rolling your own Debian packages Debian New Maintainer’s Guide Debian Library Packaging Guide Debian Mentors FAQ The Debian New Maintainer’s Guide seems the most apropos,