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Tag: python-2.7

Package import error when running Python 2 app on Azure App Services

The application works fine on my local linux server but I have trouble of running it on Azure. I checked the Files folder and all python libraries are installed correctly under /antenv2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages. Here is my pip requirements file: But when gunicorn starts, it generates this error. I don’t know why protobuf can’t be imported while other libraries like Keras can

Running flask app automatically after boot does not work correctly

I am setting up Flask project in Raspberry Pi (python 2.7). It runs perfectly when the python script is called manually. However, I am trying to run the script automatically after boot, it cannot run properly. I have tried modifying /etc/profile to run the script after boot; /etc/profile I expect running the server without any problem but after boot,

Unable to import paramiko

I wrote a Python script on my laptop(written in 2.7.14) which makes use of paramiko module. It runs just fine on my laptop. I moved this script to a linux box & while running it, I get an error saying paraniko not found which is of course because the linux machine where I moved the script to doesn’t have paramiko

[ Python 2.7 ]Package program with Pynsist

I am packaging a Python 2.7 program with the lastest version of Pynsist. I’ve created an installer.cfg file following this example. But when I try to package my application running into the application folder it comes up with So the problem I think is with Pygame. On Google there in nothing about this, but i cannot use others programs for
