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Tag: pecl

2 php versions installed(5.6&7) how to add pecl ssh2 ext only to the 5.6 installation?

I’ve installed 2 php versions on my server (which is managed by ISPconfig 3) using this howto: I’m trying to add pecl ssh2 extension only to my 5.6 installation. Any help will be appreciated! Answer Done by changing the pecl script to always work through php5.6 version Edited: And added this line after the first code block (after it

‘pecl install ibm_db2’ can’t find library

I’m trying to install ibm_db2 through pecl: Then when it asks for an install dir, I have tried various places only to have the same result. It goes through a bunch of checks etc., then tries to ‘make’ and gets an error: It always looks there for the libraries. And they exist, because when I execute: It displays: But they’re
