I have a question to perl scripts. I can write and understand C and C++ codes but have no experience in perl. I have a perl script with the extension .pl and want to run it on a Raspberry Pi Model B. I get the script (its a part of the Raspberry Pi B extension ‘Busware SD0’ Firmware) from this
Tag: perl
Bash oneliner to rename filenames
I often would like to easily rename a bunch of files. I always have to struggle with find, grep, xargs and sed to simply to the job. I would like to understand how I can do a better job using PCRE Here my files: I would rename the dot files properly as I can do with this oneliner: However I
Extract section of xml from result of curl command on Linux
I am issuing the following command: Which returns xml that looks similar to this: What is the easiest way to extract an xml element from the response, e.g. the element “true”? Note, I want the complete opening tag, content, and closing tag (and the content may also be empty. Thanks Answer Would xmllint be an option for you as well?
Alternative to writing many files. MongoDB?
I have a Perl script that produces ~10000 files in the 1kB – 10kB size area, which is not optimal for performance, so I though about using MongoDB instead of writing the many files. I need to run the script on my laptops Linux and OSX. Question Would MongoDB be overkill? Or are there something more suited for this sort
Perl one-liner is it possible to make END block execute for each file arg given
For Perl one-liners, when using the -p or -n flags is it possible to make the END {} block execute once per file, instead of only once for the entire program? In other words, when I write: I’d like to execute the END block once for each file, instead of just once globally at the end of the program’s execution.
Edit linux capabilities in Perl
In a C program, you can edit your capabilities with cap_set_proc from libcap. How can I achieve the same in a Perl program? Answer Linux::Prctl may meet your needs. If not, you can use syscall() and try to do it the hard way. If that’s unpalatable, too (and I would find it so), I’m sure CPAN would welcome you to
Can’t locate CPAN.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5
I tried to install some modules to a new server (fedora core 18) but I’m getting this error: The module I need to install is : XML/Writer.pm because I’m getting this error: Do any of you know why, or how can I fix these errors? Answer Some OS distributions cut out pieces of the core Perl distributions. In this case,
How can I use the Perl debugger’s *supported* editor?
The Perl debugger always says: “Editor support available”. I believe every one can see this, but how can I use it? By the way, I got the above prompt on a Linux/Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) machine. Answer The message is a little confusing. It’s telling you it can support running inside an editor, not that there is a special Perl debugger
perl byte code generation with too many file.pl
How to make perl bytecode if sub is there in another file.pl so that I can get all perl script in to binary to give for usage but I am getting codedump warning. Here is the example how I have done! File: add.pl File: util.pl Then when I run: I get I also tried but it says Note: If both
How can I replace special character in a string with underscores using a Perl script?
I have a script taking mythtv recorded shows and encoding them in h264 using handbrake. the script is written in Perl. My questions is how do I replace spaces and special characters with and underscore using perl? The strings look something like this when output “Parks and Recreation – S05E01 – Ms. Knope Goes to Washington” I would like it