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Tag: php

How to install composer on Linux to be able to run the Laravel New command

I would like to know how to install composer with the vendor/bin folder to be able to run the laravel new project as describe in the laravel docs and not only install the composer binary for install and update packages. Answer I think you are looking for this command : install composer in /usr/bin php -r “copy(‘’, ‘composer-setup.php’);” php composer-setup.php

PHP difference between n and just new line in sprintf and writing files

I’m developing in LAPM environment. What is difference between “n”, just new line? There are several examples. example 1 example 2 And when i create a file with this content, result of example 1 result of example 2 What is the “r” of alias=appler in result of example 1? What is the difference between “n” and new line of enter

PHP Thread compilation not working

I am attempting to use pthreads with Apache FPM. Step 1. After installing and recompiling php according to: The server works as expected and I can run pthreads from CLI. Step 2. Then I need to run threads from a web server so I followed the instructions from: After sudo service apache2 restart && sudo service php7.0-fpm restart:

Difference between PHP 5.6u and PHP 5.6w

I’ve been going through running PHP 5.6 and now looking at 7 running on CentOS 7 (typically 5.4) and I had been installing php56u and now I’ve been seeing php56w and I can’t find anywhere what the difference is. Answer The last letter represents some sort of informal way of designating the origin of a third party release of PHP:

PHP – Concern running bash scripts through website

I am working on a game panel and I building it in PHP and BASH. So, the web panel controls the game severs by running bash scripts when buttons are pressed. So far so good. My problems come when I need to run the bash scripts because the user running them needs sudo privileges or the scripts will have a

The referenced column name has to be a primary key column on the target entity class

everyone. Happy new year! Today I am having problems trying to resolving this problem: Could not resolve type of column “id_usuario” of class “FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario” For some, this error is only present in linux enviroment. In windows, no problem. What the problem is exactly? Looks like PlanAdquirido is not finding the column id_usuario through the relationship $adquiridoPor. Again: this error is

Need to run cron job for my php file on hosting server [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I have php file on my linux hosting server and i want to execute it 2 times a day. Below is my link of my

Remove PHP errors from CLI and PHPMyAdmin

I’m currently getting the following errors when using PHP via command line and on PHPMyAdmin. Command line error PHPMyAdmin error What’s the easiest way to disable these errors? The command line errors don’t make sense because all them work correctly. When I navigate to the directory where it’s saying it doesn’t exist, it’s .so version of them not .dll. Tried
