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Tag: php

Ubuntu-16.04 + PHP-7.0.22 + ODBC not working

I have been trying to connect MSSQL from my ubantu 16.04 and i had use below tutorial: There is one problem while i am running below command from terminal is: It display below errors: I have follow instruction given by below link answer as well: But i am helpless, there is no ODBC driver enabled while i check

PHP exec() not grabbing output from bash command

i’m trying to get the ouput from a bash command. If I execute the some command directly in the bash, i see the result. But not with PHP exec() function.. This command try to get a video resolution using ffmpeg lib. The video path it’s fine, I triple check that. Thanks! EDIT: screenshot from the output in bash Answer Try

run shell script from php as a specified user

I am trying to run a shell script from a PHP script. PHP code : my shell script : After I run the PHP code in a web server (Xampp), I got this output : Although, I haven’t set any password for the daemon user. And after I checked the current user running the PHP code I found it is

php not working on ubuntu desktop 16.04.02

I need php < then 5.3 becouse software I inherited use mssql library. SO I have set up linux, and apache (working fine via localhost or ip) then: I get libxml in version below 2.9 (otherwise make php will not work – compiler will lack some older libraries I belive) So I have libxml instaled and go with php same

PHP exec command to write to server

So I have a bash script I want to run in php that has arguments but at the moment I cant even get PHP to write to the machine. As a basic test I tried the touch command to no success. I’m new to PHP so any help would be great. I don’t understand whats wrong here. I’ve tried: Answer

Apache not seeing website – CentOS 7

I have setup a lot of Virtual Hosts in Ubuntu but today I needed to do this on a CentOS 7 server. I installed Apache and setup the VHost config but nothing appears when I view the site. I know that Apache is reading my Config files because if I add a fault in it and restart Apache, it complains

I can’t access remote mysql server via local phpmyadmin

I’m trying to access my remote mysql server via my local phpmyadmin setup(from xampp installation). Here is my file for phpmyadmin: I get this error: Answer the remote mysql server that you want to connect has to be configured to allow or take request other than localhost. Check firewall is allowing port 3306 (both incoming and outgoing). Now we

Permission denied. Laravel linux server

when i try to register and send an email to the user i got this error. It was working till yesterday. From today it gives me this and i cant figure out why. By the way on local testing this work’s. I’m stuck. Help please Answer I cannot comment because I have joined stackoverflow recently and I do not have

Nginx not finding PHP files

I’ve been searching through all the questions asked and all answers haven’t worked. I’m trying to install Damn Vulnerable Web App to my Centos 6.9 server, but when I try to access the page, I’m greeted with a 404 File Not Found error. I can access html files perfectly, just not PHP. /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf: Can anyone help at all please? UPDATE:

Using MySQL INTO OUTFILE not writing to tmp

I’ve recently moved a project to a live VM instance, it worked perfectly during development and testing on my macOS box using XAMPP. Essentially the web app has 3 export options: XML, PDF and CSV. XML works fine and is created using a SELECT statement then looping through the results and pushing that into an XML file. However for the
