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Tag: python

VS code not loading Python Interpreter

Here is my VS code infor: My python path is here: But VS codes keeps saying Select Python Interpreter in the status bar even after I selected. But when I try to select, it says it is already being selected. At moment, due to this, I am unable to use Python linter Flake8. When I check the console log. I

i cant install pyaudio, a weird error is showing up?

i used command pip3 install pyaudio,this error shows up btw, im using ubuntu 20.04 i was using speech recogniser module in python but this error shows up and im using visual studio code any thoughts? any answers? Answer There are a few more dependencies which have to be manually installed before using python’s pyaudio. Execute these commands and you must

Cannot bind NumPad minus key on Linux with Tkinter

I encountered an issue regarding KeyPress binds in tkinter when switching between Windows and Linux while using a NumPad. Using self.bind(“-“, function) works on Windows, however is not triggered on Linux. With the following code snippet I found out that the events of a keyboard-minus differs from a numpad-minus. Code: Output: Is there a way to make Linux recognize the

Pipe between a C and a Python program

I am currently trying to write a C program that interacts with hardware, I have chosen so since the manufacturer of the hardware supplies with a C SDK for this hardware. However, I want this C program to output the data it receives from the hardware (a sensor for example) to a pipe so that I can write a Python

Why is subprocess ignoring PATH, and how can I change this?

I need to change which program is called by a Python application. Unfortunately I cannot change the Python code. I can only change the calling environment (in particular, PATH). But unfortunately Python’s subprocess module seems to ignore PATH (at least under certain circumstances). How can I force Python to respect PATH when searching which binary to invoke? To illustrate the
