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Tag: python

Cannot install Flask with pip on my Raspberry Pi

I am trying to install Flask on my Raspberry Pi, but it seems that this is not possible anymore with the command: sudo pip install flask . I always return this message: Does anybody have an idea what’s going wrong? Answer This problem is described here. In short, the fix is to set date correctly, eg: sudo date +%Y%m%d -s

Can not INSERT INTO Postgresql

simplechan In other words, I installed a message board named simplechan, but I can not log in to a site dedicated to the administrator. Because you need a password to get there. I do not know the password. I entered in psql as follows In “simplechan/sql/create_table_query.sql” it was drawn as follows. — tables for moderator things create extension if not

Why is $PATH in remote deployment path different from $PATH in remote system?

I’m currently working on Pycharm with remote python Interpreter(miniconda3/bin/python). So when I type echo $PATH in remote server, it prints /home/woosung/bin:/home/woosung/.local/bin:/home/woosung/miniconda3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin I created project in Pycharm and set remote python Interpreter as miniconda3 python, it works well when I just run some *.py files. But when I typed some os.system() lines, weird things happened. For instance, in from Pycharm

Change Anaconda Interpreter

My system has a set-up python environment (2.7) to work with certain programs, and I also want to install Miniconda3 for Python 3.6. When I call python in terminal, it will start the system python from /usr/bin/python. To achieve this, I removed the python symbolic link in ~/miniconda/bin/. Now, when I execute conda in terminal, it gives me the following
