For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I’m working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it’s really starting to get to me. I’ve tried going
Tag: qt-creator
Qt creator platform codegen flags
Seems Qt creator “platform codegen flags” does not take effect (Tools->Options…->Build&Run->Compillers). Mentioned there “-std=c++11” flag however it was not added to Makefile. Also added g++-5 there – also no effect: CXX = g++ CXXFLAGS = -pipe -g -Wall -W $(DEFINES) Should be: CXX = g++-5 CXXFLAGS = -pipe -g -Wall -W $(DEFINES) -std=c++11 How to correctly add flags there. Answer
QT Creator’s code completion for function overloading is buggy
I am using QT Creator on Ubuntu 14.04, to make a C++ project using cmake (not using qmake). In my source code editor, if I type a function name that is recognised, then next to the function name a code completion box will appear. This box consists of a down arrow, and next it the function prototype. Now, it seems
QtCreator – start external tool in an interactive bash
A while ago I discovered that you can make QtCreator call external tools directly from within the IDE and pass various arguments to those via the Tool->External. I find this pretty convenient however I’m currently struggling with the issue of starting a terminal-based application in an interactive bash. I am using Lubuntu 12.04 with QtCreator 2.5.2. Usually you can start
Build Qt application for Linux in Windows using Qt Creator
I want to run a Qt application in Linux which is compiled on Windows using Qt Creator. I tried googling but I did not get any answers regarding Qt creator. I found for Visual studio. Can anyone please let me know if this can be done in Qt Creator in Windows7 ? Do I need to install any other compilers
Completely remove Qt environment?
How to completely remove Qt environment? I installed Qt Creator Integrated Development from the Ubuntu Software Center,then I compiled and installed Qt 4.8.6 .There were few errors when I try to compile an Application. I Uninstalled / Removed via the Ubuntu Software Center. But when I tried to install QT 5.3 I can see the Qt 4.8 kit and recently