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Tag: qt4

qmake match linux and mac separatly

I’m creating a .pro file for both Mac and Linux platform. I will link the qca framework on Mac, and libqca on Linux However, the unix part matches both mac and linux, any ideas? Answer You can use the colon : to take a product (logical-and) of multiple conditions, some of which may be negated:

Linux Mint: using qt creator with qt4.6.3

I have been trying to get my QT ide running to build some programs for FriendlyARM mini 2440. I have cross compiled the Qt and tslib for my target by referring:- Later-on, i installed Qt creator, and tried configuring it according to:- However, i am facing problems while adding qmake to the Qt creator. I am getting

problem when install qt4: no rule to make target “install-strip”

when I finished compiling qt4, I typed gmake install-strip but it doesn’t work either it says” no rule to make target “install-strip” how to solve this problem? Whether I should add some configure options? Answer Just do a make install , it will strip release-mode libraries itself automatically.

I cannot get stdout to update in Qt

I need to call an executable, from my QT application, monitor the output and then display the out put in a text browser. The executable I call from my QT app will run for many hours (~12) and each time the executable spits something out to stdout, I need to parse the output to be able to monitor its progress,

Using linux sockets the QT way?

I have been googling this, but I can’t seems to find it. Is there a QT way to use linux sockets? It looked like the QSocket class is used for network sockets and not for local linux sockets. Anyone knows anything about this? And maybe a tutorial to get started? Answer QSocket ? I think you’re looking at the wrong
