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Tag: resources

Mitigating memory leaks by forking

This is a really ugly question. I have a C++ program which does the following in a loop: Waits for a JMS message Calculates some data Sends a JMS message in response My program (let’s call it “Bob”) has a rather severe memory leak. The memory leak is located in a shared library that someone else wrote, which I must

Limit a set of processes’ CPU and memory usage

Browsing the web has low priority for me, and so I would like all the processes that deal with it to be low priority, too. Is this approach a valid one? Open a console window with the nice command. Launch the browser from this console. Will the program launched from this console inherit the niceness of the console itself? Answer

What is the best way to store usage reports over time?

I currently have a few server reports that return usage statistics whenever run. The data is collected from several different sources (mostly log files), so they’re not in a database to begin with. The returned data are simple lists, for example, detailing how much disk space a user is using (user => space) average percent memory they’ve used for the
