I have several bash script which contain in them infinite while loop. I would like to run all of them from a single script: what I get is that it stuck on the first script and it does not proceed to the next one to run them simultaneous. Answer Notice the & symble at the end of each line, that
Tag: scripting
How to run npm or angular 2 ng serve command from Bash Script?
I am looking to create an interactive bash script for our development team (never did this before) as our project has various needs and due to future growth on the team I want this to be easy as pi. Normally for my work on the team I would change directory to the angular folder and run ng serve which kicks
Would it be wrong to store custom .py scripts in a personal Linux directory?
My end goal is simple: Store a set of .py scripts on my Linux system such that I can: Run them from the command line without using /Python [name] Edit them easily I can fix the first issue by storing the scripts in /usr/local/bin/ This causes the second issue, because now when I attempt to open the script for editing
Print grep Keyword if grep find a match
I have an input file Input.txt with the following sample keywords: I also have a file Text.txt to search such as: I want to print grep Keyword followed by a match if the grep finds a match. The desired output: Answer With awk you could do something like this: In a more readable format it would be:
Scripting to see if specific process is running as root [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I am currently trying to right a shell script which will
In bash got unwanted newlines after sed and cat >>
I’m trying to substitute some lines in /etc/hosts file with my script here: It searches e.g. for lines like and replaces the line (if it’s found) with a sed command to nothing, but adds afterwards e.g. to I’m having to do (?) this because my LAN network addresses are changing very often (exactly: at each working day, but not always
Bash Scripting: How to display output for the passwords expiry every 2 week
My question is, how do i edit the script such that if PASS_MAX_DAYS is equals to 14 days or less then it equals to “Vulnerability: No”? Output My Script Answer You can use grep -oP “^PASS_MAX_DAYSs+K([0-9]+)” /etc/login.defs to extract the value : K starts the match from the position of the value ([0-9]+)
Bash Scripting: How to display output for checking root logins via SSH not allowed?
My question is, how do i make the script into a if else statement that it checks if “PermitRootLogin no”, it should display the “Vulnerability: No” and if the “PermitRootLogin yes” it should display as “Vulnerability: Yes”? Thanks in advance! Output Script Answer you can use variables to store the command output. This script should do what you need-
How to append a line at the end of /etc/sudoers file using shell script (without using pssh tool)
I want to append a few lines at the end of /etc/sudoers file. Below is an example of lines I want to append. Can anyone suggest how to append this using a shell script? Answer
how do i execute grep chain command in background using bash script
I have a data for 24 hours logs per each day. the data is huge to grep the required string, taking 3 hours to search the string in all 24 hours dir. to reducing the consuming time I’ve decided to separate the 24 hours in to three parts and wanted to execute each part parallely in background using & The