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Tag: rhel6

Where to find the max resolution for a touchscreen monitor in Linux?

The application that I’m writing has a thread that is constantly polling a /dev/input/eventX location for touch events since the Linux kernel I am running has limited support for touchscreens. Because of this limited support, QT5 does not receive any touch events, and I have to parse the raw event data from the device. My method works, but I am

How do I open a specific port on RHEL 6.4?

I’m setting up the remote connection to oracle database and it requires that the connection should be established through port 1521 by default. However, i’m getting the error repeatly: [Oracle JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: :1521. Reason: Connection refused Checking deeper, I realize that the port 1521 cannot be connected on the local machine: telnet localhost 1521
