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Tag: solid-state-drive

SSD vs. tmpfs speed

I made a tmpfs filesystem in my home directory on Ubuntu using this command: Then I wrote this Python program: The result: I am confused about this result. Isn’t the tmpfs a file system based on RAM and isn’t RAM supposed to be notably faster than any hard disk, including SSDs? Furthermore, I noticed that this program is using over

Why io_submit(…, nr, …) might submit less requests than nr?

I’m using io_submit(…, nr, …) with nr up to 128 but I usually get fewer requests submitted. According to the manual IO_SUBMIT(2), this is legit but I wonder: why? Also, is there a way to know which request was submitted right away – without checking io_getevents()? From the manual: On success, io_submit() returns the number of iocbs submitted (which may
