Fairly new to cloud computing, so bear with me if question is obvious or silly. With tons of information available on internet, I was able to successfully create an ec2 linux instance and installed R and Rstudio on it. Ran my scripts on it which went really well but took too long (16 hrs) and very expensive as well since
Tag: ssh
Shell complains about file permissions when creating a config file
I’m not completely sure if I should ask here, over at the Unix forums or somewhere completely different but, here we go. I’m using Packer to create a set of images (running Debian 8) for AWS and GCE, and during this process I want to install HAProxy and set up a config file for it. The image building and package
EC2 ssh broken pipe terminates running process
I’am using a EC2 instance to run a large job that I estimate to take approx 24 hours to complete. I get the same issue described here ssh broken pipe ec2 I followed the suggestion/solutions in the above post and in my ssh session shell I launched my python program by the following command: Once I did this the connection
ssh connection from Mac OS X shows “>” prompt and stays there
Problem – when I try to connect to an Amazon AWS EC2 linux instance through SSH, instead of connecting, it simply shows a > prompt as if asking for more info. command entered through terminal ssh -i “<private_key_path>” <user>@<host_address> when i hit enter, it just shows a > prompt. there are no errors, or messages. Just that single prompt which
How to access the Raspberry Pi Zero though SSH
I’m trying to remotely access my Raspberry Pi Zero using SSH. The raspberry’s OS is Raspbian Jessy Lite (so no desktop enviornment, only the command line). I connected the raspberry to the Internet using an Android phone with USB-tethering (the raspberry pi zero doesn’t have an ethernet port, I tried with a Zydas WiFi dongle but I couldn’t make it
Access SSH client IP address, within a screen session
Accessing the IP address of a connecting SSH client is possible via environment variables (such as SSH_CONNECTION), as described in Find the IP address of the client in an SSH session In a GNU screen session though, those environment variables are defined by whoever started the screen to begin with. Is there any way to also get hold of the
SSH to AWS EC2 issue – key_load_public: No such file or directory [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question
Bash ssh for loop – env variable issue
When using a bash for loop and ssh’ing to multiple machines the hostname variable is not updated to be the name of the machine I’ve ssh’d into. What am I missing here? “A”, “B”, “C” are replaced with names of actual machines and the speech marks removed in the actual execution. In the example above $node is correctly outputted but
Why can’t I upload folders to a Linux EC2 Instance?
I have been uploading my files and folders to my Linux EC2 Instance using SSH for the past month. Yesterday I updated the Linux version, and since then I cannot upload folders to the Instance, but I can still upload files. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Here’s what I’m using to upload folders: (dashed out
Bash script: Looping through directories over SSH and downloading them to local machine
I’m trying to write a bash script that: Loops through all the directories in a folder over an SSH server Downloads a file (titled say, “foo”) inside each of these folders to a local machine. At the moment, I have: I don’t think I can use scp while I’m accessing the SSH server, however. Is there a way I can