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Tag: tcp

TCP_FASTOPEN cookie is saved per what?

I’ve been reading about TCP_FASTOPEN in Linux and I can’t figure out per what is cookie saved. If one program on my Linux server connects using tcp fast open, does other program that connects to same server uses previous ones cookie for fast open? Or only sockets from same program can use each other cookies? Answer Few years ago the

Linux: Recv randomly returns zero

I wrote a simple TCP network library with epoll for linux. In one of my tests, I want to test the throughput of the library. I send 2000000 msgs of 500 bytes. The binded socket randomly returns zero on a recv after 800000 or more msgs have been received. Other times, all messages are received. What would cause this to

Connection refused – tcp socket in linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Ok, first how to run my program: my server How to compile? server:

`boost::asio` `async_resolve` hangs on Linux, what may be a reason?

I write complex TCP/IP client application that generates a lot of outgoing TCP connections. I try to use boost::asio as portable TCP/IP networking implementation in C++. I found following issue. See the code: This code runs background thread to execute io_service::run method. It is supposed that we’ll have multiple sockets that use this io_service to perform asyncrhonous operations. On Windows

Bad File Descriptor on recv from TCP socket

I’ve got a trouble and can’t google out solution, so I hope you’ll be able to help me. There is a client-server application, something like text chat. Server accepts client’s connection, makes new socket for client and sends socket descriptor to it’s child process, that broadcasts received messages to all connected clients. server.c (error handling and tests are cuted out)

Abuse cURL to communicate with Redis

I want to send a PING to Redis to check if the connection is working, now I could just install redis-cli, but I don’t want to and curl is already there. So how can I abuse curl to do that? Basically I need to turn off what’s send here: I was able to get rid of the User-Agent altogether by
