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Tag: boost

Is it safe to use boost provided shared memory and rt_signal (provided in linux) for realtime system?

I am currently working with building realtime IPC system. I am trying to build a realtime system free of all undeterministic components. I try to setup IPC based on shared memory model. Is it safe to use managed_shared_memory from boost library to minimize unpredictable latency? or should I use mmap() for memory sharing? Also Is rt_signal which has channel from

How to install the boost through its source?

I use the wget download the boost.1.65.1, but I don’t know how to install it: I have uncompressed it: and I tried to make install it, but failed. Because I cd to boost_1_65_1 then use ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/boost.1.65.1 but says there is no configure: So, how to install the boost? Answer Follow the instructions here: Boost. Getting Started on Unix Variants.

Can boost lib built on windows with msvc be used in a linux program

I built boost from source on windows. I can compile with it on windows. When I want to compile with it in linux : Unable to find the requested Boost libraries. Boost version: 1.65.1 Boost include path: pathtoproject/deps/boost Could not find the following Boost libraries: No Boost libraries were found. You may need to set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the directory containing

boost timed_wait doesn’t wait if date is in 2116 year

The example: It works perfectly on Linux at the time – the timed_wait waits for 10 seconds and then returns false. However if I move the system date to 2116 year and re-run the app, the timed_wait call returns false immediately. There is the same problem with the boost’s condition vars. Could please anybody explain what’s wrong with it? Info:

boost asio notify server of disconnect

I was wondering if there is any way to notify a server if a client side application was closed. Normally, if I Ctrl+C my client side terminal an EOF-signal is sent to the server side. The server side async_read function has a handle which has boost::system::error_code ec argument fed into it. The handle is called when the server side receives

Building Boost unit test framework on Debian 8.3 ARM

I’m trying to port a larger project to an embedded Linux system (Debian 8.3 ARM). The project requires Boost libraries newer than the system’s Synaptic (1.55 vs. 1.58), so I’ll need to build Boost from source. Usually I pick the most recent version, which was 1.60 when I downloaded things two weeks ago (current is 1.61). The project contains test

`boost::asio` `async_resolve` hangs on Linux, what may be a reason?

I write complex TCP/IP client application that generates a lot of outgoing TCP connections. I try to use boost::asio as portable TCP/IP networking implementation in C++. I found following issue. See the code: This code runs background thread to execute io_service::run method. It is supposed that we’ll have multiple sockets that use this io_service to perform asyncrhonous operations. On Windows

SO_RCVTIME and SO_RCVTIMEO not affecting Boost.Asio operations

Below is my code When I use Telnet to connect, but not sending data, it does not disconnect from a Telnet timeout.Will need to do to make setsockopt kick in? Thanks! I have modified SO_RCVTIMEO to SO_SNDTIMEO. Still unable to timeout in the specified time Answer Using SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO socket options with Boost.Asio will rarely produce the desired behavior.
