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Tag: uart

Serial socket – ignore POLLHUP received in non-canonical mode?

I have a Raspberry Pi connected via UART to a microcontroller. The code on the RPI is trying to read incoming non-canonical UART data, but randomly receives POLLHUP. I have been able to recover by closing and reopening the file, but this is less than ideal. Is there a way to disable the disconnect detection behavior of termios in Linux?

FTDI FT232R force flushing FIFO

Is there a way to readout continuously or force-flush the RX fifo of FTDI FT232R. I want to timestamp the received bytes and therefore want to avoid that the received bytes are being sent in chunks. I want to force the chip to sent them via USB as they arrive. Answer FT232R AFAIK, it is impossible for FT232R. One can

Serial data over UART gets corrupted

I’m developing an application for a development board (Beagle Bone Black) that will send some data over UART peripheral. The developing board runs Linux Kernel (some Debian distribution, 3.8.x Linux Kernel version). For sending and receiving data over UART I use the standard UNIX API: open(), read(), and write() family functions. For setting the communication parameters (baud rate, stop/start bits,
