How do you grep and only return the matching line? i.e. The path/filename is omitted from the results. In this case I want to look in all .bar files in the current directory, searching for the term FOO Answer No need to find. If you are just looking for a pattern within a specific directory, this should suffice: Where -h
Tag: unix
How to copy directories into a directory using install in bash?
Assume the nested directories foo/bar and a empty directory dest. I would like to call something like install foo dest such that dest contains the directory foo/bar. I have tried the following: install foo dest => install: omitting directory “foo” install -d foo dest => nothing happens Answer You want to use cp -r instead:
What is the difference between the C programming language and C programming under linux?
What is the difference between the C programming language and C programming under Linux? Are the syntax same in both them? Or is the difference only when you execute the program? Answer The C language is governed by the ISO approved C standard and it does not take in to account the underlying platform on which you use C. So
calculate total used disk space by files older than 180 days using find
I am trying to find the total disk space used by files older than 180 days in a particular directory. This is what I’m using: but the above is quiet evidently giving me disk space used by every file that is found. I want only the total added disk space used by the files. Can this be done using find
How do I replace single quotes with another character in sed?
I have a flat file where I have multiple occurrences of strings that contains single quote, e.g. hari’s and leader’s. I want to replace all occurrences of the single quote with space, i.e. all occurences of hari’s to hari s all occurences of leader’s to leader s I tried and but they are not giving me the expected result. Answer
Create a hard link from a file handle on Unix?
If I’ve got a handle to an open file, is it possible to create a hard link to that file after all references to it have been removed from the filesystem? For example, something like this: Specifically, I’d like to do this so that I can safely write to large data files, then move them into place atomically without having
Clearing output of a terminal program in Linux C
I want to clear the output of a C program produced with printf statements. I want to clear only one line, for example: [source] [terminal] [I hope] I will “DDDDDDDDDDDDDD” line in write other string. I just want the above A, B, C sentences to left. Only clear D sentences to change the other sentences, unconditionally output D sentences. How
How does cmd > /dev/null 2>&1 work?
I’m reading up on redirecting data to /dev/null and so I tried a simple test: If I try this: However, if I do this: That last solution is the desired solution, but what is happening with this 2>&1? My research so far suggest that 2 represents stderr and 1 represents stdout. So if I read it that way, it looks
Use sed with ignore case while adding text before some pattern
In this case,how to ignore case while searching for pattern =first Answer You can use the following: Otherwise, you have the /I and n/i flags: From man sed: I i The I modifier to regular-expression matching is a GNU extension which makes sed match regexp in a case-insensitive manner. Test
Terminal edit command in a editor [closed]
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question I am coming from the postgres world, and am not very new to UNIX. My question is, if there is a way to invoke a editor from command