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Tag: vim

setpos and getpos strange behavior in vim

When I open a file with vim -u NONE and source this code: I got a strange behavior when I leave the insert mode. The setposition is sometimes changing and there is like a z- which is executed. You can see that if the files is greater than your window. Can you confirm that behavior ? My vim is 7.4

Running Nvim-R via PuTTy: setting up r_term_cdm

I would like to run Nvim-R on a remote machine via putty when I try to open a *.R file the remote machine returns an error message: Please set the variable g:R_term_cmd in your vimrc. Read the plugin documentation … According to the documentation, the R_term_cmd should be used in the following manner: If |R_in_buffer| = 0 and the X

VIM use system clipboard [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question So I’m a real noob to VIM and trying now again to get finally to the level of productivity. One big

How to add text at the end of each line after skipping Last N characters

I’m on Linux command line and I have log file with following content I want to add date before Time Stamp for every line Answer Something like this: sed -r “s/([0-9]+{1}:[0-9]+{1}[A-Z]{2}.*$)/01 Oct 2016 1/g” test.txt > new.txt Where text.txt is your log file and “01 Oct 2016 ” is your text and the 1 is the time inserted back in

Difficulty with python while installing YouCompleteMe in vim

I’ve followed these instructions, in order to install YouCompleteMe in Vim, but when I issue: The following error message comes up: and now I’m stuck, what should I do? Answer I checked YouCompleteMe’s build system and it uses a custom build script that uses the Python module distutils to find the paths to Python’s library and include directories. Your /usr/local/

Linux terminal( Vim ) cannot paste the whole code?

I have a problem for long time, when I use Linux terminal or putty pasting code, usually the code cannot be completely pasted, usually the beginning will lose. For example, I copy a piece of code using “ctrl+c” in a browser. Then I open the file in terminal using vim, right click then choose “paste”, the pasted code is only:

How to format 2nd and 3rd lines on the first line?

I am using VIM, and I want to format 2nd and 3rd lines. I can do it by :2,3left<number of spaces> How to do it easier to get something like this? Answer try this pres Esc+: then press v then press enter , select the second and third lines , press =
