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Tag: virtual

Concept of Virtual Environments

Hope this question belongs here. As a linux noob, I am sure my question sounds confusing and heavily non-technical, but please help me understand this. Anaconda Python Distribution comes with the concept of creating environments where I can maintain a variety of python versions and specific packages based on my need. Without disturbing other versions and their modules! rbenv does

Making a virtual file in Linux

I’m working with some existing software that I cannot change, and it loads its config data from a bunch of config files, all following the same naming scheme – let’s say, file_param1.conf, file_param2.conf, file_param3.conf etc. The difference between the content of the files is just param1 vs param2 vs param3, so a typical config file will look like or Is

How to create virtual CAN port on linux? (C++)

I want to create program that would emulate CAN port for testing purposes for another big application. Program should send previously recorded data through this virtual CAN. Anyone has any experience with such thing? I’m thinking to establish virtual COM, and send through it data packed in CAN Frames. Could it work? And how could I establish virtual COM on
