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Tag: vlc

VLC – Get played file path

I would like to get the path of the file currently played by vlc. It seems that information can be obtained using the http server of vlc. Since I don’t know much about http, I was not able to do it even with the help of the previous link or the vlc documentation. To start an http server, I am

HLS (apple http stream) video download

I have video in HLS format. And I would like to save it to disk. I want to see it with VLC offline with no adds. 🙂 Is there a simple way to do it? ( I am using Linux mint so it easy to run scripts) Thanks in advance. Answer The tricky part is to find the cookie given

How to Pause/Resume a process in Linux

I record my program until it closes. Start Command: Stop Command: That works well, now I need to implement pause method to this program. I need to kill program at pause method then start it on resume method and append new video to older one. How can i do it? VLC Wiki: Merge Answer To pause the process To resume

How to run VLC stream on Linux server using Java code?

I am trying to run vlc stream from my Java code on Debian server. Simple commands as given in the example below works fine both from java code as well as terminal. But I try to run more advanced command with multiple options” This is my main class: and this is class for executing shell commands: Process in Linux is

Linux Shell: VLC programming

Is there a way to manipulate VLC with a Linux shell script without the script waiting for VLC to close. This code keeps running VLC until the file is completed, and then evidently it is to late to pause the file. Answer You need to use dbus interface of VLC. Now, you can use the mpris interface of VLC. It’s
