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Tag: window

Which OS / platforms implement wait morphing optimization?

Which major OS / platforms implement wait morphing? This question came up when I noticed that there’s no clearcut best practice about whether one should signal a condition variable with mutex locked or not. A typical recommendation is to signal while holding the lock unless profiling shows a substantial performance improvement overhead from unlocking (by removing an extra context switch).

Join Windows 7 to SAMBA+LDAP PDC

In my smb.cfg I have follow command for adding machine user to my PDC server: When I want to join new Win7 machine to my PDC with root user (this is default configuration) I got follow message: I tried adding follows, but without success (same error message) Note: If I run command manually: /usr/sbin/useradd -c Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false

Keep previous information when running an executable from command lines

In Windows when I run an executalbe from command line, for example, abc.exe -i abc.bmp >output.txt, all the output of the program will be put in the text file. However, all the previous contents in the text file will also be destroyed. So if I run the following commands sequentially, Only the information when running the second file will be

Programmatically hide/show a window in Linux

I’ve been searching all over the place for a solution to this. How can I show/hide (or minimize/unminimize if you rather) Linux windows. I’m interested in any solution in any language. I use Debian, Gnome, Metacity and Compton composite manager if they’re relevant Note: I tried using wmctrl but the toggle,hidden feature of wmctrl has been broken for a while
