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Tag: wireless

Could not connect to wpa_supplicant: wlan0 – re-trying

I work on embedded device and I am configuring the WLAN module (QCA6174 – ath10k driver) with wpa_supplicant. I load the driver modules (backports-20151120): I start the wpa_supplicant (default wpa_supplicant.conf): everything seems to work fine. I see the wlan0 interface,I can scan with iwlist, /var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0 exist. But I can not use wpa_cli interface: Do you have any hints how can

obtaining received signal strength of neighboring devices

I use AR9271 chipset usb WiFi device on Debian 7 on kernel 3.12.rc5. I use ath9k_htc and nl80211 drivers. I create an ad-hoc WLAN via wpa_supplicant 2.0 and I would like to obtain received signal strength of the neighboring device in a C program. What function or API can I use to obtain that information? Answer Edit: Did not notice
