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Tag: x86-64

How to link C language libraries?

I am interested in executing a function which is written in C language:- I want to call this fun() through assembly language which i have written:- (NASM 64bit) I have created object file by using these commands nasm -f elf64 MyAsm.asm and gcc -c CLang.c. When I merge these two file with gcc gcc MyASM.o CLang.o i get an error

What is C-state Cx in cpupower monitor

I am profiling an application for execution time on an x86-64 processor running linux. Before starting to benchmark the application, I want to make sure that the Dynamic Frequency scaling and idle states are disabled. Check on Frequency scaling This tells me that the Frequency scaling(Intel’s Turbo Boost or AMD’s Turbo Core) is disabled. In fact, we set it to

Linux perf_events annotation frame pointer confusion

I ran sudo perf record -F 99 find / followed by sudo perf report and selected “Annotate fdopendir” and here are the first seven instructions: push %rbp push %rbx mov %edi,%esi mov %edi,%ebx mov $0x1,%edi sub $0xa8,%rsp mov %rsp,%rbp The first instruction appears to be saving the caller’s base frame pointer. I believe instructions 2 through 5 are irrelevant to

Finding mapped memory from inside a process

Setup: Ubuntu 18×64 x86_64 application Arbitrary code execution from inside the application I’m trying to write code which should be able to find structures in memory even with ASLR enabled. Sadly, I couldn’t find any static references to those regions, so I’m guessing I have to use the bruteforce way and scan the process memory. What I tried to do

Pass values from C program to Assembly language

I would like to pass values from C program to Assembly using the linked assembly method instead of inline assembly method in C. Below is the Assembly program(GCD) which is am working on. And this is the C program from with I am trying to pass the values to assembly program When I compile using the below method and run
