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Tag: xpath

XPath syntax to edit specific node in HTML using xmlstarlet

Supposing I have an HTML document like what’s below: mypage.html How would I edit the element set to MY_ID? I’ve used the following command successfully when it was just the table in a document, but placing it in a larger document broke it: Answer Your td element needs to be closed (</td>) for it to be valid XML. You can

How to print a list of xml elements and their properties in the Powershell REPL console?

Referencing: and: how is a list of elements and their properties printed? Answer To address the for-display formatting problem: If you look closely at the sample output from your own answer, you’ll see that even though the display is mostly helpful, the value of the author property is author instead of showing the (presumed) first-name and last-name child-element

Linux Bash XMLLINT with XPATH

Today I get to learn how to use xmllint properly. It does not seem to be well covered or explained. I plan to use a single language resource file to run my entire system. I have a mixture of bash scripts and php pages that must read from this language file. Currently I am using the following format in my
