I have a small app that I want to start using supervisord. I’ve tried the following
- Installed supervisord and controlled a small script
- Read Introduction, Running Supervisord and Configuration File sections from the documentation
- Setting up groups in supervisord
My initial shell script could start and stop celery and Flask as daemons by saving the PID in a text file. Since supervisord would take care of killing it, I got rid of the stop section and non daemonized the script.
After trial and error these are the script and conf duos that I think make sense but they don’t work.
Shell Script
#!/bin/bash if [[ $1 == "gunicorn" ]] then cd /home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler source env/bin/activate python env/bin/gunicorn -b -w 3 gunicornserve:app elif [[ $1 == "celery" ]] then cd /home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler source env/bin/activate python env/bin/celery -A testrunner worker --concurrency=3 --loglevel=info else echo "Usage:-" echo "To start celery:-" echo "./hitler.sh celery" echo "To start Gunicorn" echo "./hitler.sh gunicorn" fi
Conf File
[group:hitler] programs=gunicorn,celery [program:gunicorn] command=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler/hitler.sh gunicorn stderr_logfile =/home/abhirath/Desktop/supervisor.err.log autostart=true autorestart=true stopasgroup=true killasgroup=true [program:celery] command=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler/hitler.sh celery stderr_logfile=/home/abhirath/Desktop/supervisor.err2.log autostart=true autorestart=true stopasgroup=true killasgroup=true
Without a shell file
[group:hitler] programs=gunicorn,celery [program:gunicorn] command=source env/bin/activate; python env/bin/gunicorn -b -w 2 gunicornserve:app; directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler [program:celery] command=source env/bin/activate; python env/bin/celery -A testrunner worker --concurrency=4 --loglevel=info; directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler
stderr_logfile, autostart, autorestart, stopasgroup, killasgroup same as #1
I get a message saying could not find the command source. I tried the same command on the terminal in the same directory and it works.
Shell Script
#!/bin/bash if [[ $1 == "gunicorn" ]] then source env/bin/activate python env/bin/gunicorn -b -w 3 gunicornserve:app elif [[ $1 == "celery" ]] then source env/bin/activate python env/bin/celery -A testrunner worker --concurrency=3 --loglevel=info else echo "Usage:-" echo "To start celery:-" echo "./hitler.sh celery" echo "To start Gunicorn" echo "./hitler.sh gunicorn" fi
[group:hitler] programs=gunicorn,celery [program:gunicorn] command=./hitler.sh gunicorn directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler [program:celery] command=./hitler.sh celery directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler
stderr_logfile, autostart, autorestart, stopasgroup, killasgroup same as #1
I also tried using command=bash -c “command here” even though I feel it isn’t required in the all the above cases. It’s mentioned here in the documentation.
I get the following errors and I’m not able to figure out why:-
Could not spawn
Process Exited too quickly
In the case of #2, you don’t actually need to activate the virtualenv. You can change it to this:
[group:hitler] programs=gunicorn,celery [program:gunicorn] command=/absolute/path/to/env/bin/gunicorn /absolute/path/to/gunicornserve:app -b -w 2 directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler [program:celery] command=/absolute/path/to/env/bin/celery -A testrunner worker --concurrency=4 --loglevel=info directory=/home/abhirath/Desktop/Hitler