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Tag: supervisord

Too many open files raised by supervisord?

I use wrk to test web API service managed by supervisor on ubuntu 16.04. have error “too many open files”, but i have set system config still have error “too many open files” I found supervisord is belongs to root and cat /proc/PID/limits so, add root limit settings to limits.conf like below after restart supervisord it’s effected (cat /proc/PID/limits, got

Queued Jobs are still processed even without Supervisor running

This seems weird. I killed all existing processes related to supervisord on my linux server (aws ec2) but the queued jobs are still being processed/worked on. I checked the processes through ps -fe and I don’t find any process of supervisord running. Anyone who can tell me what’s going on? Thanks in advance. Answer So to summarize this question up,

Unable to start a Python app using Supervisord

I have a small app that I want to start using supervisord. I’ve tried the following Installed supervisord and controlled a small script Read Introduction, Running Supervisord and Configuration File sections from the documentation Setting up groups in supervisord My initial shell script could start and stop celery and Flask as daemons by saving the PID in a text file.
