I have been recently introduced to fabric and trying to approach the following:
- access remote host
- su root
- perform a command, for example change password for multiple users
- done! Please note that I cant use sudo, nor connect directly to the remote host using root. The commands I need to perform can only be performed if I explicitly change user to root.
I was able to approach the main concept of getting to the remote host and play with some commands, using fabric, but the problem im having is that once I switch to root “su root” I cant perform the rest of the commands unless I exit.
example of what im trying to approach:
def mytask(): with settings(user="root"): run('whoami') run('echo "TEST using root user"') run('echo "ITS WORKING!!!"')
or something like this
def mytask(): run ('su root') run ('passwd testUser')
In both cases once I enter the root password nothing would get executed, I would get the remote command line back, unless I exit back to the original user. I have seen few suggestions about using “fexpect” for prompts but not sure if that would make a difference.
I’m developing on a Linux environment.
You have to use fexpect and fexpect run command
from ilogue import fexpect prompt = ['Password', 'mypassword'] # ('prompt', 'answer') Case sensitive def test(): with fexpect.expecting(prompt): fexpect.local("su -")