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Tag: fabric

Fabric nonzero return code 137

I have the following task in fabric, designed to brute force kill all celery workers in an emergency It fails with Why is this? The commnd itself works fine from the an ssh shell as user “operatore” on the server. Or at least how can I get fabric to give me some more information to work with… I’ve also tried

fabric — cant run commands after user is switched

I have been recently introduced to fabric and trying to approach the following: access remote host su root perform a command, for example change password for multiple users done! Please note that I cant use sudo, nor connect directly to the remote host using root. The commands I need to perform can only be performed if I explicitly change user

Fabric Remote Execution requiring a user response from a prompt?

I would like to handle when a fabric script requires a response. Eg. Apply the above migration? (yes|no) [no]: The fab function that creates this prompt: local(“php root/protected/yiic.php migrate”) Answer Try to disable interactive mode during running command: From docs: interactive: boolean, specifies whether to perform migrations in an interactive mode. Defaults to true, meaning the user will be prompted
