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Tag: celery

Django – Celery 4.1 with django-celery-beat/rabbitmq : Nothing?

I followed the tutorial on and I am on virtualbox (Xubuntu 16.XX TLS), Django 1.11.3, Celery 4.1 . rabbitmq 3.6.14, Python 2.7 . and when I started the daemonization with the init-script: celerybeat (with /etc/default/celeryd config file) [2017-11-19 01:13:00,912: INFO/MainProcess] beat: Starting… and nothing more after. Do you see what could I make wrong ? My some_app/ /etc/default/celeryd:

Fabric nonzero return code 137

I have the following task in fabric, designed to brute force kill all celery workers in an emergency It fails with Why is this? The commnd itself works fine from the an ssh shell as user “operatore” on the server. Or at least how can I get fabric to give me some more information to work with… I’ve also tried
