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Periodic task in a Linux kernel module

Currently I am developing GPIO kernel module for friendlyarm Linux (mini2440). I am from electronics background and new to Linux. The kernel module loaded at start-up and the related device file is located in /dev as gpiofreq. At first time writing to device file, GPIO pin toggles continuously at 50kHz. At second time writing it stop toggling. At third

What is vulnerable about this C code?

The way I understand it, the code above allows arbitrary code (or program) execution — what makes this vulnerable, and how does one take advantage of this? Answer You can override the PATH variable to point to a directory with your custom version of echo and since echo is executed using env, it isn’t treated as a built-in. This constitues

What is a .pid file and what does it contain?

I recently come across a file with the extension .pid and explored inside it but didn’t find much. The documentation says: A Pid-File is a file containing the process identification number (pid) that is stored in a well-defined location of the filesystem thus allowing other programs to find out the pid of a running script. Can anyone shed more light

Undefined references in makefile

Ok, ive read about 10 tutorials, but i keep getting errors all the time, i have 5 files, main.cpp class.cpp, class.h and functions.cpp and functions.h. All of those use functions from different objects meaning that functions in functions.cpp uses objects from classes.cpp. My makefile looks as follows I keeps telling me that it has undefined references. What am i missing?

Copy n bytes of data x to file

How we can copy for example 10 bytes of ‘7’ to a file? How can I generate those 10 bytes of 7? For example for n bytes of zero I’m doing dd if=/dev/zero of=myFile bs=1 count=10. Answer You can send the zeros to stdout and translate them to 7, or what ever you like.

Git man page seems incorrect

I’m new to git, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I have installed git from source on SLES Linux, and all looks good. I have added the following to $MANPATH: When I do man git, I’m presented with This doesn’t look like a man page for the git command I use from the command line.
