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System Time change detection on linux

I was reading about the licensing of software and one question that came to my mind is that “how software detect the change in system time and block themselves if someone changes system time?”. Since there is no other reference available(provided we don’t have internet connection, otherwise we can use time servers as reference), how such software manages to do

Rails sends 0 byte files using send_file

I can’t get send_file(Model.attachment.path) to work. It doesn’t fail, instead, it sends a 0 byte size file to the client, the file names are correct though. This problem started happening after I did a big migration from Rails 2.3.8 to 3. There were a lot of other things that took place in this migration and I will try my best

iwlist scan output format

I have to write a tool to get the encryption type out of a iwlist scan. I just can’t seem to find whether or not there’s a standard output. Googling it looks like people are posting slightly different formats, but I can’t tell if they just copy/pasted wrong or what. Specifically, in Encryption key: On, is On/Off frist letter always

How to test in IE with Linux

Normally I have two computers to work on – my development machine, running Ubuntu, and a testing machine that has Windows. The testing machine is in surgery, and I need to be able to test in IE8. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get it to run under wine. I’ve tried the IE NetRenderer add-on for Firefox, but all it does

csh scripting for password authorisation of user

I’m trying to write a professional program to accept and process input via a Menu based system. The program should have no command line arguments. it will be writen in csh script called TaskMenu. This shell script will: ask for a password from the user. a. If the password is not correct, the system will exit with an appropriate error

Using linux sockets the QT way?

I have been googling this, but I can’t seems to find it. Is there a QT way to use linux sockets? It looked like the QSocket class is used for network sockets and not for local linux sockets. Anyone knows anything about this? And maybe a tutorial to get started? Answer QSocket ? I think you’re looking at the wrong

Solaris equivalent of -o option of grep on Linux

I run the following on Sun Solaris — it runs OK on Linux but not on Sun Solaris: My question is which option on Sun Solaris does the same task as the option grep -o (to match string capture) on Linux? Answer Solaris grep doesn’t seem to have such an option. If you just need this to run on some Solaris
