I have a system that needs at least 10 mseconds of accuracy for timers. I went for timerfd as it suits me perfectly, but found that even for times up to 15 milliseconds it is not accurate at all, either that or I don’t understand how it works. The times I have measured were up to 21 mseconds on a
How to convert large SVG file to tiled PNGs?
I have a large SVG file (approx. 60 MB, 10000×10000 pixels but with the potential to get much larger), and I’m wanting to create, say, many tiled 256×256 PNG images from it (in that example there would be 1600 images; round(10000/256)^2). Does anyone have any idea of how to do this on a web server (running PHP amongst other things)?
Linux daemonize
I am writing a Linux daemon . I found two ways to do it. Daemonize your process by calling fork() and setting sid. Running your program with &. Which is the right way to do it? Answer From http://www.steve.org.uk/Reference/Unix/faq_2.html#SEC16 Here are the steps to become a daemon: fork() so the parent can exit, this returns control to the command line
Move window between tmux clients
I’m just learning tmux and I have no experience with screen. I’m wondering if I can move a window in one tmux client to another tmux client. I want to move my IRC client to a new window on my screen. Answer Yes, you can use the move-window command: This is similar to link-window, except the window at src-window is
LINUX: how to detect that ftp file upload is finished
In my project I have a file uploading feature. Files are uploaded via FTP. I need to configure a listener that will check for new files and invoke a script only when file uploading is finished. Because if I run this script immediately after detecting the new file, it can start to process file that is not completely uploaded, which
Uptime under linux in C
How can I retrieve uptime under linux using C? (without using popen and/or /proc) Thanks Answer Via top or via uptime, but I don’t know about any syscall, someone will for sure 🙂 uptime should be rather easy to parse. Just stumbled into this:
Is QEMU good for learning programming in assembler for ARM and PowerPC?
I want to learn programming in assembler for PowerPC and ARM, but I’m unable to buy real hardware for this purpose. I’m thinking about using QEMU for that. However I’m not sure if it emulates both architectures enough well, that I’ll compile and run my programs in native assembler on it? Answer QEMU works well for testing program correction (i.e.
MDI in SWT on Linux?
I’d like to create an MDI application using SWT. I’ve done extensive searches and reach that the Decorations Object is the one responsable for trying supporting behavior. However, I’ve a Linux box, and the example provided doesn’t work for me. The output of the example provided by the above link is: Image However, on Linux (GTK), I see only labels
Converting AVI Frames to JPGs on Linux
What program on Linux would allow you to convert all the frames in an AVI into a series of JPEG files? Answer Use ffmpeg. Check out this answer on stackoverflow, as pointed out by Chris S. I also found this article entitled “Creating Animated Screenshots on Linux” which details the process of using mencoder to capture sequential screenshots. (The end
How can I find the size of a ELF file/image with Header information?
I need to find the size of an elf image for some computation. I have tried with the readelf utility on linux which gives the informations about the headers and section. I need to have the exact file size of the elf(on the whole). How do I find the size of the ELF from the header information or Is there