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Where is the itoa function in Linux?

itoa() is a really handy function to convert a number to a string. Linux does not seem to have itoa(), is there an equivalent function or do I have to use sprintf(str, “%d”, num)? Answer EDIT: Sorry, I should have remembered that this machine is decidedly non-standard, having plugged in various non-standard libc implementations for academic purposes 😉 As itoa()

Is it possible to unlisten on a socket?

Is it possible to unlisten on a socket after you have called listen(fd, backlog)? Edit: My mistake for not making myself clear. I’d like to be able to temporarily unlisten on the socket. Calling close() will leave the socket in the M2LS state and prevent me from reopening it (or worse, some nefarious program could bind to that socket) Temporarily

How can I search for a multiline pattern in a file?

I needed to find all the files that contained a specific string pattern. The first solution that comes to mind is using find piped with xargs grep: But if I need to find patterns that spans on more than one line, I’m stuck because vanilla grep can’t find multiline patterns. Answer So I discovered pcregrep which stands for Perl Compatible

IDE’s for C# development on Linux?

What are my options? I tried MonoDevelop over a year ago but it was extremely buggy. Is the latest version a stable development environment? Answer MonoDevelop 2.0 has been released, it now has a decent GUI Debugger, code completion, Intellisense C# 3.0 support (including linq), and a decent GTK# Visual Designer. In short, since the 2.0 release I have started

How do I find my PID in Java or JRuby on Linux?

I need to find the PID of the current running process on a Linux platform (it can be a system dependent solution). Java does not support getting the process ID, and JRuby currently has a bug with the Ruby method, Is there another way to obtain the PID? Answer If you have procfs installed, you can find the process

Handling file paths cross platform

Do any C++ GNU standalone classes exist which handle paths cross platform? My applications build on Windows and LInux. Our configuration files refer to another file in a seperate directory. I’d like to be able to read the path for the other configuration file into a class which would work on both Linux or Windows. Which class would offer the

svn over HTTP proxy [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question I’m on laptop (Ubuntu) with a network that use HTTP proxy (only http connections allowed). When I use svn up for url like ‘http://…..’ everything is cool (google
