I’m moving an app that was previously running on windows 10 to a docker container with python3.6 linux base image. One of the necessary changes was changing the driver used in sql connection string from “SQL Server” to ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server, because I have to use unixodbc-dev. I installed msodbcsql17 and mssql-tools via my Dockerfile, and I
Is there a way to remove results from find in linux?
I have a directory with backups. One backup file is created each day. I need to remove these files as they fill up disk space over time. I want to remove all files older than 5 days, BUT I need to keep a minimum of 5 files in the directory. This is in case the backup utility fails 5 days
How to initialize pppd connection witsh RS232 modem?
I trying to run the pppd daemon on my embedded board. When I connect the modem to USB and run “pon provider” the initialization is correct (I get the IP address and in “ifconfig” I have ppp0 interface) “provider” file: “mobile-modem.chat” file: However, I would like to run pppd on the serial port over RS232 (ttyO1 or ttyO2). To do
How to replace a hash pattern inside file and directory names (Linux)
I’ve just backed up the notes I have in Notion, and they use hashcodes in the notes names to make them unique apparently. For example, this is might be a note-folder with some notes: (Sometimes there’s also a .csv file for tables) I was trying to use a regex like [a-z0-9]{32} to replace the pattern, but was having difficulty making
How to get all ip ranges from asn?
I want to get all IP address ranges/blocks from as number. I can search throw google but need to write them manually. I want to get them all at once? Is this possible to get only ip address ranges from websites at once? Answer You can use whois servers instead of bgp.he.net or any other websites like this. whois -h
make: how to append text to beginning and end of list?
In the makefile I’m writing, I am using the shell command find to build a list of source files to compile. In particular, I’m using the line: Now this works just fine. However, I would like to add support for excluding files that have a pattern that appears in a list called EXCLUDE. I’d like to use the prune option
Capturing output from a background subshell in bash?
I’m trying to run multiple subshells in a bash script and capture the stdout result to a variable. When I run the subshell in the background I would expect I can use wait to let the subshell complete and then use the variable the result is assigned to later in the program…. but it doesn’t seem to work. Simple example
Shell Script : MongoDB Dump
I’m creating a shell script to automatically dump the database. I have the current code below. The problem is when I’m opening the zip file it shows a single binary file. Usually, when I dump manually it consists of bson and json files. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I’m expecting a zip file with bson and json file.
Rust: View entire Command::New command arguement structs as its passed to terminal / correct my arguements
I am not getting the correct response from the server running the following However…. the following works fine if I run it in terminal. I form the following using let line = “curl -X POST –header “Authorization: Bearer “.to_owned() + &return_token(“auth”) + “” –header “Content-Type: application/json” -d ” + parameters + ” “https://api.tdameritrade.com/v1/accounts/CORRECT_ACCOUNT_#/orders””; “parameters” can be seen above in JSON.
Holographic remoting remote app using OpenXR on Linux
The documentation at this MRTK page implies that an OpenXR remote app is possible. However, the rest of the article only discusses the Microsoft.Holographic.Remoting.OpenXr Nuget package and later, in this section, specifics of a DX11/12 based implementation. My question is: Is it possible to develop a Holographic remoting remote app on Linux using a different OpenXR runtime or any other