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Tag: amazon-ec2

Apache httpd vs. Tomcat 7: port 80 vs. port 8080

I had recently installed Tomcat 7 on Amazon ec2. I found that Tomcat, by default, listens on port 8080. The documentation on the internet advocates that this is because linux is better saving the lower ports to the super user. (The solution on ec2 btw is creating a Load Balancer – directing the communications from port 80 to port 8080

connecting to amazon aws linux server by ssh on mac

I created a new keypair and downloaded it to my mac, then set up a new Amazon Linux AMI server with that keypair and my security group. Now I need to put the keypair .pem file that I downloaded in a .ssh file in my users folder? I am unable to create a folder called “.ssh” however because of the

How can I install xclip on an EC2 instance?

I’m following Github’s instructions for adding an SSH key. I’ve generated the file from my AWS EC2 instance, but I cannot complete the step that has me copy the contents of the file using xclip because I cannot install xclip onto the EC2 instance. I tried to install xclip on the EC2 instance using sudo yum install xclip, but

Login into EC2 Instance as root

I am using putty to login to my ec2 instance. When i typed root it asked me to login as ec2-user. Authenticating with public key “imported-openssh-key” Please login as the ec2-user user rather than root user. when i did login as ec2-user and tried to run commands like yum install httpd it says Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, security, update-motd You
