Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Just started with Amazon Web Services and want to start an
Tag: amazon-web-services
Amazon AWS EC2 Key Pair Denied
I have scoured the Internet for answers and had little luck. All I have been trying to do is connect to my AWS EC2 Linux server via SSH. The.pem file is on my computer, but it has not been accepted. I have tried several FTP clients, including FileZilla and the native Terminal on my Mac. In FileZilla, my error is
Cannot access Tomcat via web after EC2 reboot
I rebooted my Amazon EC2 instance, and now I can’t connect to my Tomcat7 web server via the web. Here’s what I’ve tried, to no avail: 1) Confirmed that my settings are correct in Tomcat’s server.xml file: 2) updated my iptables via this post: 3) Reviewed my tomcat catalina.out log (success, no errors) 4) Tried connecting to my domain via
Unable to boot after shrinking an Amazon EBS volume
I have followed several links on Google and on this forums to reduce EBS Volumes on Amazon AWS, including these links too: and I have a 254 GB EBS Volume which needs to be resized to 150 GB. Here are the steps what I did: Create a new instance with 8 GB volume /dev/xvde (base OS) Mount 254
Determining if ephemeral storage is attached to an instance in Amazon Web Services console?
Short question: How do I know if an instance has ephemeral storage attached? Do I have to ssh in and look at the mounts with lsblk on Linux? Since ephemeral storage is lost when an instance is stopped, you need to know if ephemeral drives are attached at all. The first thing to check is the “root device type” of
Bash script to install AWS CLI tools
I am writing a bash script that will automatically install and configure AWS CLI tools. I am able to install AWS CLI tools but unable to configure it. My script is something like this: I wish to do the configuration using this script too. I wish that I can provide these credentials via script so that it prevents manual entry.
Installing ‘lxml’ in Amazon EC2
I am having trouble installing lxml in Amazon EC2. I am having a Linux instance. I entered the following command. Right now, it is not working. It just generate the following error. What is wrong here? How can I install this? Update I used pip install –upgrade setuptools. Now I am getting the below. Answer You are upgrading system wide
How to automatically snapshot a volume of an Amazon EC2 instance?
I’m trying a script to backup a volume automatically. I follow this script as found on github: I have the two files for X509 authentication, the instance ID but I don’t understand the script and how to parameterise the volume that I want to backup. I don’t understand the first line (source) and the EC2_BIN. With that configuration, it