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Tag: apache-zookeeper

Kafka – Broker: Group coordinator not available

I have the following structure: Created topic with replication factor 3 and partitions 3 by kafka-topics shell script. And use group localConsumers. it works fine when leader is ok. Consumers’ log But if leader is down – I get the error in consumer (systemctl stop kafka): Node 3 is unavailable. ok Consumers’ log Consumer unable to connect until leader is

Changing Kafka Host name entry in zookeeper and persisting it across storm topology restart

Background 6 node Kafka Cluster 3 node Zookeeper Cluster 3 node Nimbus Cluster Apache Storm Worker hosts dynamically adjusted using amazon spot fleet Scenario For a particular topology for a given partition it subscribes to, the Zookeeper entry looks as follows {“topology”:{“id”:”Topology_Name-25-1520374231″,”name”:”Topology_Name”},”offset”:217233,”partition”:0,”broker”:{“host”:”Zk_host_name”,”port”:9092},”topic”:”topic1″} Now for worker hosts to access Zk_host_name, a mapping is added on each worker host in /etc/hosts file

mesos-master can not found mesos-slave, and elect a new leader in a short interval

I follow this doc to setup mesos cluster. There are three vm(ubuntu 12, centos 6.5, centos 7.2). config in each mathine: After start zookeeper, mesos-master and mesos-slave in three vm, I can view the mesos webui(, but agents count is 0. After a little time, mesos page get error: Failed to connect to! Retrying in 16 seconds… (Now I
