I need to send data from $_SESSION from PHP file to .htaccess for setup Vary variable for setting LiteSpeed cache. PHP script example: .htaccess example I already tried these ways: Via cookies. I set PHP variable in the cookies and get it from there in .htaccess via “RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} (.*) [NC]”. But I will have also private data which I
Tag: apache
How to list a directory content
How to access directory files when we don’t have index file. I used this htaccess code but it worked when I mention file but I want to show directory file without insert index file. Please check my htaccess code and tell me where i am wrong thanks Answer You can use the Options configuration option. The documentations presents Options by
Git clone with authentication over HTTP protocol
I have a centos 7 server with a git repo shared over smart http, when I make “git push” the authentication works but when I make “git clone” not works. I want than Git and Apache ask me user and password to clone the repos. /var/www/git -> Is my repo dir /var/www/html -> Is the web sites dir My site.conf
Why am i getting forbidden error in browser
I am a new user to apache and trying to learn and have setup a domain just for learning and testing. However, before I even start i am getting Forbidden You do not have permission to access this document.. I know after research that this error has to do with either http.conf or .htaccess file. I do not have .htaccess
Directus custom filter/search with python machine learning
I want to implement my own filter in directus based on python machine learning. User posts a message/question to the Server Directus save the message/question at this moment, a python script search for similar message/question (machine learning) Directus answers with the answer found by the python script Is this possible ? How can I implement something like this? Thanks in
Failed to start httpd server: Address already in use
Surely I know that same question is already posted here. However, when I searched it, the status is different from mine and I cannot understand the answers. Therefore I post my problem here. Sorry for duplicating issues. My homepage suddenly doesn’t work and I found out that it failed to start httpd service. Following image is the result when I
Apache executes MATLAB binary on CentOS 7 with SELinux
I am trying to trigger the run of a pre compiled MATLAB program on a CentOS 7 server form within an Apache context. The system allowes the user to upload some files. Then some sanity checks are performed. Then the MATLAB program is called and it performes some MATLAB magic. I installed the MATLAB environment with: I added LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the
Temp directory on root drive runs out of space when PUTing a large file into Apache
I’m putting (via curl on a client) a 10GB file up into an Apache server on Ubuntu Linux (v17.04). The root drive was pretty much full, and the ultimate destination for the PUT is a subversion root that is on a huge drive that’s not root. The only other technology involved is mod_dav_svn. How to move the tmp folder for
ffmpeg HLS transcoding and chunks upload to remote server
I am trying to create a so called origin server for storing the hls chunks and the manifest file on a remote server. The sending machine running ffmpeg is with IP: and the web server which has to store both the HLS chunks and the manifest file is with IP: My ffmpeg transcoding command line is: But no
“undefined symbol: mg_free_type” when installing mod_perl 2.0.10 with Apache 2.4.26 and Perl 5.10.1
I’m trying to install mod_perl 2.0.10 for use with a new Apache 2.4 instance. I’ve got Apache 2.4.26 up and running by itself, but I also need mod_perl installed for a couple of modules to work. Here’s the problem: mod_perl always fails its tests claiming: The only information I could find on this is here: Error when installing mod_perl2. Unfortunately,