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Tag: caffe

Error building caffe – cannot find -lhdf5_hl

I was following this guide to install caffe. I am using ubuntu 16.04 and installing caffe for cpu only(i don’t have Nvidia gpu). But encountered the following error : Can someone please help me figure out how to get past this? Thanks Answer This solved it for me how to symlink a file in linux –

How to avoid cmake to read in its “system cache” $HOME/.cmake/

When I run cmake with some projects such as caffe or gflags, it writes some information at the system level. Specifically, on a linux system, it generates some directories such as $HOME/.cmake/Caffe and $HOME/.cmake/gflags My problem is that this information is hereafter used for any project I compile. As a consequence, the programs referenced in $HOME/.cmake are (partially) found, even
