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Tag: chef-infra

Install Azure CLI on VM using Chef

I am currently writing a script(recipe) with Chef that executes on an Azure (Linux) virtual machine. For my purposes I need to install Azure CLI on that VM. I followed these steps from the documentation. Unfortunately, I get the error that I can’t use “sudo”, and if I remove “sudo” it can’t find “azure-cli”. That part of the recipe looks

ChefServer – Server returned error 502

I’m facing a problem during the Chef server configuration. When I install Chef server for the first time, everything goes well. Now, since I need to do some tests, when I uninstall Chef server and I try to install it again and add a new user, this happens: Probably is also worth to mention, that when I remove Chef server,

Chef – using a for loop with SQLEOH

I have a bash resource which is failing when attempting to loop through some ddl scripts. The same syntax without a for loop (and literal script name) works fine in Chef, and it all works including with the for loop in a terminal: The errors I am getting indicate a problem with the SQLEOH delimiter and unexpected end-of-file. What is
