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Tag: chmod

-RPATH preference not working when executable run with SETUID set

Little bit of background: I have a execuatable which requires admin-privileges to run. This executable also has a runtime dependency on a custom dynamic lib. That dynamic lib has to be loaded from a custom path (and not from /usr/lib because a similar old version of this executable is present on which other libs may be referring to) which the

How to give permission to root user generated file by other user in linux?

I am trying to giving permission to root user generated file but not able to do this. Can anyone help me how to do this? I tried: Example: Expected result: Answer First of all, I can’t see what you’re doing by “echo -e ‘password'”. The ‘>’ character means “output redirection”, that is, bash will redirect the input of the “echo

How to delete target folder created using scp by target user

I have a machines A B C. only Machine B have access to A & C. For machine A I have root access , machine B I have root access and for machine C I have User level access. is the ip address assigned to machine B. When I am doing from machine A as scp -pr ./logs/ root@

Running Perl script accidentally locked a folder

I have a Perl script which has the following code Upon running this script, I am unable to access the current folder (and open this script of course) anymore. When seeing the folder in Konqueror, there is an additional lock in the folder icon. Can anyone tell me what happened and how can I undo this? I have checked the

Where is the official documentation for chmod?

I would have expected it to be here in the gnu documentation but it is not. So I Googled it and their were many links but I don’t know which one is the most “official”. For example the first hit is for an Ubuntu distribution, and the second is for a Mac OS X distribution. Answer On a typical Linux
