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Tag: containers

Docker run with arguments from a configuration file

I’ve built a docker image in order to publish a jupyter notebook to my team. The jupyter notebook runs inside a docker container by running a docker run command containing numerous arguments (such as mounts and environment variables for AWS credentials). The current instructions I published for running the docker require you to copy and paste the entire docker run

In Docker Desktop for windows 10 with WSL2, where does docker containers live & how Linux containers can run a java app, but not windows nanoserver?

I have Windows 10 Enterprise Version and I have installed Docker Desktop, enabled WSL2 backend, and downloaded and installed the Linux kernel update package. I am learning Docker and I have some doubts about how Docker works behind the scenes. I have drawn a basic architecture diagram of Docker on windows with WSL2, is this correct? Whenever we create a

how to enable support of ogonek characters in linux

Characters such as “ęą” are not recognized on my docker container, they are just omitted. I use phantom js to convert an HTML page into thumbnail. Html page contains characters like “ęą” on the page. So while generating thumbnail from it Ogonek characters [ęą] are ignored. I am sure this mus be happening due to Ogonek font not installed on
