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Tag: daemon

Missing ‘=’. in Debian service [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Can’t read stdout output of external commands after deamonizing Python script

I wrote a RPC server foo in Python that I deamonized with Everything works fine except that every use of subprocess.check_call(some_cmd) or os.popen(some_cmd).read(1048576) in my daemon returns an empty string compared to the case when I start foo in the foreground. The external program some_cmd is still executed sucessfully (as I can see in the logs), yet I don’t have

How to pass additional arguments for docker daemon

I have under /etc/sysconfig/docker , the following configuration :- Now I am using docker version 17.03.1-ce on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 and default storage driver as overlay that is causing lot of build issues due to :- After doing a bit of research on the internet figured out to get rid of this the best solution would

run shell script from php as a specified user

I am trying to run a shell script from a PHP script. PHP code : my shell script : After I run the PHP code in a web server (Xampp), I got this output : Although, I haven’t set any password for the daemon user. And after I checked the current user running the PHP code I found it is

Forking, daemonizing and monitoring a python script

I have a python script on my debian server. I would like : To run it as a daemon and keep it running indefinitely To run it N times (as sub processes, children, forks) in // To monitor the whole processes (in order to restart any dying process) Do you know software that would enable me to do so?

how to daemonize a script

I am trying to use daemon on Ubuntu, but I am not sure how to use it even after reading the man page. I have the following testing script Then I tried this command but nothing happened: The file hihihi was not updated, and I found this in the errlog: How could I use the daemon command properly? Answer

Unable to start a Python app using Supervisord

I have a small app that I want to start using supervisord. I’ve tried the following Installed supervisord and controlled a small script Read Introduction, Running Supervisord and Configuration File sections from the documentation Setting up groups in supervisord My initial shell script could start and stop celery and Flask as daemons by saving the PID in a text file.

bash: daemonizing by forking process as a new child

I have a bash script which should daemonize itself after being run. My solution looks as follows: However, putting the whole script itself inside the function child does not seem the correct thing to do. Unfortunately exec & won’t fork-off the whole process into a backgrounded child. How can a achieve the desired effect? Answer I usually do something like
