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Tag: db2

ibmcom/db2 docker image fails on m1

I’m having trouble setting up DB2 on macOS via Docker on my M1-Max MacBook Pro (32 GB RAM). I already had a look at this question, which might be related, however there is not a lot of information and I cannot exactly say, if it is about the exact same thing. I set up following docker-compose.yml: version: ‘3.8’ services: db2:

CLPPLUS login failing

I am trying to login to remote DB2 using clpplus but can’t login as password contains @. clpplus -nw user/p@sswd@145.xx.xx.212:60000/Dbname but it fails saying: Is there any work around of it? Answer With the bash shell, enclose the password with ‘ and additionally escape the @ with @ (and the same for any special character inside the password, i.e. escape

DB2 Create Database takes long time

I’m new to Db2 and just installed v11.5 on my Ubuntu 18.04. I referred these two links for setup purpose: IBM and DCON I’m using DB2 CLI to create a database. On typing in create database <database_name> and press enter, it just stays there; there’s no output. I checked the db2diag.log as well, it stops at this: 2021-05-18- E653248E505 LEVEL:

Connect Python to Remote DB2 Server

Using Python’s DB2 API, ibm_db, I am attempting to connect to a remote DB2 server (at IP address which I can successfully ssh into). Both client and server machines are Linux / Ubuntu 16.0 LTS. In all my attempts and solutions, I continually run into the regular SQL1639N error. Python 3.5 (attempted both connection versions) Error [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1639N

‘pecl install ibm_db2’ can’t find library

I’m trying to install ibm_db2 through pecl: Then when it asks for an install dir, I have tried various places only to have the same result. It goes through a bunch of checks etc., then tries to ‘make’ and gets an error: It always looks there for the libraries. And they exist, because when I execute: It displays: But they’re
