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Tag: dns

How to select the interface used to perform a hostname lookup

I am working in an application embedded in a device running Linux and BusyBox. The hardware has 2 communication interfaces: Wi-Fi and 3G. In each connection, the application must try to connect using wi-fi first and, if it fails, the application tries again using 3G. I am forcing the connection to use the selected interface binding it like this: But

I have a question with option in DNSperf tool in Linux

I tried to use the DNSperf tool that is the benchmark testing tool for an authoritative name server in Linux. This tool has various features to provide the result in many aspects. But I would like to know some options like -c and -q. I tried to observe it from the source code in C. But I don’t get it.

DNS Resolver does not contain answer

I’m trying to automate some of the tasks with python. I have to chcek if some domains are still in ours DNS servers. So searching through stack i found script with dns.resolver and tryied to suit it to my needs. So, the script looks like this: My domainfile.txt looks like this: And error message i recived is: Traceback (most recent

can’t access my inherited class attributes

I am working on a project for my job to encode/decode into buffers DNS Records objects in C++. Some records have the same infos, so I created a class Dns message with theses basic infos: The DnsClass and DnsTypes are enum with the differents class/types I use. Then I have my sub-classes for each record, I will take A for

Can’t resolve monitoring-influxdb on Kubernetes with heapster and kube-dns

I am trying to get Heapster working on my Kubernetes cluster. I am using Kube-DNS for DNS resolution. My Kube-DNS seems to be set up correctly: kubectl describe pod kube-dns-v20-z2dd2 -n kube-system kubectl describe svc kube-dns -n kube-system kubectl describe ep kube-dns -n kube-system kubectl exec -it busybox1 — nslookup kubernetes.default However if I am trying to resolve http://monitoring-influxdb on

Linux shell temporary DNS

In a linux shell script, I want to change the dns address temporarily. To do this, I can insert temprary dns address into resolv.conf right after the shell run and remove it before the script ends. That’s it. But the problem is, all every other scripts also hit the address while the script is running. This is not what I

external resolve dns linux bind9 [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question
