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Tag: dnx

How to run DNX ‘console app’ as a background service on Linux?

I’ve implemented a DNX (dnx451) ‘console app’ which is intended to run as a background service. On Windows I would just turn it into a Windows Service. What is the proper way to do this on Linux (for instance, Ubuntu)? EDIT: Found more info here: How to migrate a .NET Windows Service application to Linux using mono? Answer On Unix/Linux

Using mono assemblies from the .NET CoreCLR

I need to consume a library that doesn’t yet have CoreCLR support (RabbitMQ.Client, to be specific). Is it possible to utilize a mono-based port of that library on a Linux system from inside a CoreCLR executable? If so, how is that achieved? Answer It is impossible at binary level (unless using a proper PCL profile). .NET Core has a different
