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Tag: docker-image

Bash get docker image ID automatically

I’m trying to run a few docker commands in my linux machine: But I would like to make a and execute all in one run. The problem is that ImageID bf46cff9b182 is dynamiccally changing everytime. So I need to somehow pipe it from the output of the load command, which is in fact possible. The output of load is

Private Docker registry error

I am new to docker and trying to push some images to docker registry which I made using self signed certificates. docker push But it gives following error: The push refers to a repository cannot validate certificate for If I use Domain in place of IP-Address, docker push it shows error: The push refers to a repository certificate signed by

Error while pulling image from docker registry

I am trying to pull registry image from docker. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 –restart=always –name registry registry:2 But it gives an error like below: docker: Error while pulling image: Get dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host. I have set the proxy but it doesn’t help. What could be the problem? I am running on Redhat linux
